Leahy, Sanders, Welch Announce $1.5 M In Affordable Housing Grants For Vermont’s Local NeighborWorks...
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Representative Peter Welch (D-Vt.) Wednesday announced $1.5 million in grants to revitalize communities and support access to affordable housing across Vermont.
Young professional housing survey report
In 2014, the Lake Chamber of Commerce, through its Burlington Young Professionals group, created the Young Professionals Advocacy Task Force with a specific focus on housing issues in and around Burlington. The Task Force compiled a survey to better understand the needs and concerns of Vermont's young workforce.
Frozen water pipes affecting communities and homes
With a growing number of communities having experienced water main breaks over the past week and other communities reporting frozen underground water pipes affecting a number of individual customers, Vermont state agencies are ready to provide assistance to communities that may need resources, Gov. Peter Shumlin and Public Safety officials announced today
Conservation Will Help to Keep Farms in the Family
Highgate & Berkshire —Three farms were recently conserved in Franklin County: the Bernard and Sue Rainville farm in Highgate and two farms in Berkshire owned by John and Margie Barabe. The families conserved their properties with the Vermont Land Trust, which will ensure that the land will always be available for farming and forestry. Both families protected the land by selling a conservation easement—a legal tool that limits subdivision and development. The proceeds from the sales will help the Rainvilles and the Barabes transfer their farms to the next generation
Gov. Shumlin Signs Community Revitalization and Economic Development Bills
Standing on the front porch of the recently rehabilitated St. Albans House, Gov. Peter Shumlin today signed into law three bills to address the critical issues of jobs and community revitalization, housing affordability, environmental protection and transportation investment
COTS hosts first WT(Fix) Slam! on solutions to end homelessness
COTS hosts inaugural “What the Fix” Slam from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, May 12, at Arts Riot (400 Pine St., Burlington). The WT(Fix) Slam was created by the COTS leadership team with the goal of developing innovative initiatives to further COTS’ mission. COTS frontline staff – who help Vermonters who are at risk or homeless every day – will present the three proposals at Monday’s community event.
Gov. Shumlin signs spending adjustment bill for Fiscal Year ‘14
Gov. Peter Shumlin today signed into law a mid-year budget adjustment bill. In addition to increasing reserve funds, the bill provides funding to expand opiate and heroin addiction treatment, emergency housing services, homeowners and renters rebates, pesticide cleanup work in Rutland County, mental health services and more
Don’t Leave Vermonters Out in the Cold
Vermont’s Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program helps income-eligible residents, particularly older Vermonters, people with disabilities, and families with children, to save fuel and money by improving the energy efficiency of their homes.
Gov. Shumlin, Commissioner Recchia announce thermal efficiency funding
Gov. Peter Shumlin and Public Service Commissioner Chris Recchia today announced that the state would invest $670,000 to leverage up to $6.5 million in funds to expand thermal efficiency in Vermont homes and clean heating technologies
Vermont Law School to look at what matters in housing: co-location
The potential for housing policy transformation rests in understanding how proximity to other land uses and land users affects value, and is the subject of an annual lecture on planning and the law to be held at Vermont Law School on Thursday, Feb. 13. The event is free and open to the public and press
Money Available to Vermont Communities for Hazard Mitigation
Money is once again available for Vermont communities for the purpose of mitigating the effects of future disasters on public infrastructure and some private property. The Vermont Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS) is now accepting a new round of Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) applications from towns and agencies in all Vermont counties
Annual Point-in-Time Count of Vermont’s homeless starts tonight
The Chittenden County Continuum of Care, and the Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness (the Balance of State Continuum of Care) are joining efforts for the eighth statewide Point-in-Time Count on January 28-29, 2014. The Continuums of Care are comprised of homeless and human service organizations as well as housing agencies and other partners that strive to eliminate homelessness throughout Vermont. These efforts will be supported by the Agency of Human Services, the City of Burlington, the Vermont State Housing Authority, and United Ways of Vermont.
Residents and property owners invited to provide views on desired development of Route 7...
Shelburne planning officials are inviting local residents and property owners to take part in a series of public meetings regarding the development of properties along the Route 7 corridor. The public input gained at the meetings—which take place February 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in Shelburne’s historic Town Hall —will guide consultants hired to write new “Form Based” zoning regulations for consideration by the Selectboard
16th Annual Homelessness Marathon consciousness-raising radio broadcast
The 16th Homelessness Marathon will originate from Brattleboro, VT on the night of Wednesday, February 19th. With this broadcast, we will be returning to our original nighttime format, airing a six hour broadcast from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., EST.
Neighbors Work Together to Protect Panton Farmland from Development
Ed and Beverly Biello were not considering conservation when they bought a home and land in Panton in 2000. Their property had scenic views of Lake Champlain with good access from Adams Ferry Road so they looked into selling house lots. The fate of the land changed after the Biellos were approached by the Allens, neighboring farmers who were interested in buying all the land to support their dairy farm. To make such prime land affordable for farming, the Biellos sold a conservation easement on 104 acres to the Vermont Land Trust before selling the land to the Allens.
225 Acres in Hinesburg Conserved and Donated to UVM
The late Henry H. Carse spent much of his life in service to Vermonters. For decades, he served in the Vermont legislature, as the town moderator, and the town school director. Now, through his family, his legacy of service will continue in the form of a new 225-acre natural area that was conserved with the Vermont Land Trust and donated to the University of Vermont by way of the UVM Foundation
Forestland, Natural Features, and Habitat Conserved in Sharon
Anne and Peter Silberfarb bought their property in the 1960s. Over the past 50 years they have been committed to stewarding the land’s ecologically rich forests and wetlands. This month, they donated a conservation easement to the Vermont Land Trust on 196 acres of the property, ensuring that it will remain undeveloped for generations to come.
Vermont Attorney General joins $2.1 billion national settlement with Ocwen Financial
Some Vermonters will benefit from settlement of a $2.1 billion national multistate-federal settlement with the fourth-largest mortgage servicer in the United States, Ocwen Financial Corporation of Atlanta, Georgia, and its subsidiary, Ocwen Loan Servicing.