State and local agencies team up for the eighth official statewide homeless Point-in-Time Count on January 28-29, 2014.
MONTPELIER – January 29, 2014 – (RealEstateRama) — The Chittenden County Continuum of Care, and the Vermont Coalition to End Homelessness (the Balance of State Continuum of Care) are joining efforts for the eighth statewide Point-in-Time Count on January 28-29, 2014. The Continuums of Care are comprised of homeless and human service organizations as well as housing agencies and other partners that strive to eliminate homelessness throughout Vermont. These efforts will be supported by the Agency of Human Services, the City of Burlington, the Vermont State Housing Authority, and United Ways of Vermont.
The eighth coordinated Point-in-Time Count will collect data to be used by the Balance of State, Chittenden County, and local continuums in their funding applications to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as to provide a statewide baseline for measuring the success of housing and supportive services used to reduce the number of people who are homeless in Vermont.
Local Continuums of Care participating in this year’s count have undergone trainings to ensure an accurate count of the homeless population. For a copy of the Data Collection form or for additional information and instructions on how to administer the survey and where to send it after the count please contact:
Jeanne Montross, VT Coalition to End Homelessness, jmontross (at) hope-vt (dot) org
Brian Pine, Chittenden County CoC Co-Chair, bpine (at) burlingtonvt (dot) gov
Erin Ahearn, Chittenden County CoC Co-Chair, eahearn (at) chcb (dot) org
Daniel Blankenship, Vermont State Housing Authority, daniel (at) vsha (dot) org
Marcy Krumbine, City of Burlington, mkrumbine (at) burlingtonvt (dot) gov