Joint Committee on Tax Credits meeting August 19
As administrator of the Housing Tax Credit program, VHFA allocates credits to specific projects in accordance with Vermont's Qualified Allocation Plan, which is approved and signed by the Governor. The advisory Joint Committee on Tax Credits reviews and adopts allocation policies and reviews VHFA's performance.
VT Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights meeting Monday, August 10
The Vermont Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights will convene a public meeting to examine the persistence of housing discrimination in Vermont. The meeting will be held in the Vermont State House, Room 11, 115 State Street, Montpelier
City of Burlington Awarded $50,000 Small Business Administration Prize
Earlier today the White House announced that the City of Burlington has been awarded a $50,000 prize from the Small Business Administration's Startup in a Day initiative. Startup in a Day, announced by President Obama earlier this year, is a program designed to help cities and Native American communities streamline licensing, permitting, and other requirements needed to start a business in their areas, with the goal that an entrepreneur may apply for all necessary components within one business day.
Gov. Peter Shumlin, Barre Mayor Thom Lauzon, and the Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA) today announced a loan program to assist Vermont owners of rental housing properties damaged by the July 2015 flooding that affected Barre, Plainfield, and surrounding areas. While businesses and homeowners have access to flood assistance programs, non-occupier owners of rental properties fall through a gap. The program announced today is designed to give those individuals assistance as they work to rebuild from the flooding.
Gov. Peter Shumlin issued the following statement after President Obama unveiled new environmental regulations to combat climate change and promote renewable energy
Leahy Hails President’s Clean Power Plan
Vermont U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) Monday praised President Obama for taking the most significant step yet to reduce U.S. emissions of greenhouse gases in order to address the causes of climate change. The Clean Power Plan sets the first-ever carbon pollution standards for power plants, requiring each state to create its own plan for reducing carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 32 percent from 2005 levels, by 2030.
Gov. Peter Shumlin issued the following statement after Green Mountain Power submitted to the Public Service Board a proposed 0.76 percent electric bill decrease for customers starting in October. This follows last year’s 2.46 percent rate decrease.
Standing with state and local transportation officials at the site of a crumbling East Montpelier bridge,Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) today outlined his bipartisan effort to reach consensus on a long-term transportation infrastructure plan funded by a sustainable revenue source. Federal funding for road and bridge infrastructure projects will expire on July 31 if Congress fails to act
Vermont Drinking Water Systems Now Sampling for Blue-Green Algae Toxins
Some blue-green algae blooms produce toxins that are harmful to humans and animals. Testing is the only way to know if an algae toxin is present in drinking water. This new 12-week monitoring program will bolster the state’s current efforts to visually monitor for blue-green algae blooms and protect the public from potential toxins in drinking water.
State Agencies Lead-by-Example to Deploy Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Vermont
Demonstrating Vermont's ongoing commitment to flood mitigation, pollution reduction and energy preservation, four Vermont State Agencies and Departments submitted reports to the Governor today documenting their work to utilize and promote Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI). These reports build on Executive Order 06-12 issued by Governor Peter Shumlin in March 2012 that directed the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Agency of Natural Resources, Agency of Transportation and the Department of Buildings and General Services to come together to form the Interagency Green Infrastructure Council
Sanders Introduces Solar Initiative
“While the cost of solar panels has gone down in recent years, it is still out of reach for millions of low-income families that need it the most,” said Sanders. “Families across this country struggle to pay electricity bills and access to solar energy can help reduce these costs.”
4 State Agencies Lead-by-Example to Deploy Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Demonstrating Vermont’s ongoing commitment to flood mitigation, pollution reduction and energy preservation, four Vermont State Agencies and Departments submitted reports to the Governor today documenting their work to utilize and promote Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI). These reports build on Executive Order 06-12 issued by Governor Peter Shumlin in March 2012 that directed the Agency of Commerce and Community Development, Agency of Natural Resources, Agency of Transportation and the Department of Buildings and General Services to come together to form the Interagency Green Infrastructure Council.
Mayor Miro Weinberger, City Partners Unveil Burlington International Airport’s Solar Panel Additions
Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger today joined the Burlington Electric Department (BED), Burlington International Airport (BTV), and Encore Redevelopment to formally unveil a 500 kW solar array atop the airport’s parking garage. This is the latest project in the City’s ongoing commitment to add more community solar to its portfolio and brings Burlington’s total installed solar photovoltaic to 81 projects, generating 1.8 megawatts of power for the City. Over the anticipated 30-year life of the airport solar project, BED expects to save $3.5 million in power costs, an average of approximately $117,000 annually
Gov. Peter Shumlin today marked an important milestone in the rebuilding of the Waterbury State Office Complex, joining state and local officials to witness the installation of monumental cupolas that will frame the center of the new campus. The project, now 80 percent complete, is progressing as expected, on time, and on budget
Comment Of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Ranking Member, Senate Judiciary Committee, On The Supreme...
“In this narrow decision, the Supreme Court has again sided with corporate interests over the health of millions of Americans. While a rule by the EPA to curb these emissions was entirely consistent with Congress’ mandate, the Court decided that the EPA should have taken companies’ compliance costs into account before deciding it was ‘necessary and appropriate’ to limit these toxic pollutants.
Sanders & Schakowsky Plan Tackles Wealth Inequality With Estate Tax Reform
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today introduced legislation to increase estate tax rates on the top three-tenths of one percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million, while eliminating loopholes that have allowed the wealthiest Americans to avoid billions in taxes. Sanders said the legislation was needed to reduce the massive gap between the very rich and working class Americans
Comments Of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Ranking Member, Senate Judiciary Committee, On The Supreme...
The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 on Thursday that the Fair Housing Act (FHA) authorizes a plaintiff to show that she was discriminated against based on a showing of “disparate impact.” The FHA prohibits discrimination in the sale or rental of housing. Every circuit court that has ruled on this issue has interpreted the statute to allow for a showing of discrimination based on disparate impact, which is an allegation that a law or practice has a discriminatory effect, even if it isn’t based on a discriminatory purpose.
Public Comment Sought for the Draft Waits, Wells, Ompompanoosuc and Stevens River Tactical Water...
On June 16th, 2015, Governor Peter Shumlin signed into law the Vermont Clean Water Act (H35). Following this action, the Agency of Natural Resources is holding three public comment meetings in July to gather feedback on the Draft Waits, Wells, Ompompanoosuc and Stevens River Tactical Water Quality Management Plan. The public is encouraged to attend the meetings, hear a presentation and offer their comments and suggestions