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Vermont RealEstateRama

Vermont RealEstateRama is an Internet based Real Estate News and Press Release distributor chanel of RealEstateRama for Vermont Real Estate publishing community.

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Public Comment Deadline For Draft Water Quality Rules Approaches

The deadline to submit public comment to the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) regarding the draft Required Agricultural Practices (RAP) rules is December 18th, 2015.

HUD’s 2016 Fair Market Rent standards are effective tomorrow

Earlier this week, HUD published the final 2016 Fair Market Rent standards that will take effect as of tomorrow, December 11, 2015. FMRs are intended to represent the dollar amount below which 40 percent of the standard-quality rental housing units in an area are rented. They are used in HUD rental assistance programs, including the Section 8 and HOME programs.

Cathedral Square awarded $100,000 affordable housing grant

Cathedral Square recently won the Annual TD Charitable Foundation Housing for Everyone Affordable Housing Grant Competition and was awarded $100,000 to help fund the construction of Elm Place. The theme for this year's "Housing for Everyone" was Affordable Housing for Seniors. This theme focused on the development of safe, affordable and accessible housing for adults 55 and over


Gov. Peter Shumlin today announced the completion of a 500 kilowatt solar net metering project at the Southern State Correctional Facility, the fifth of seven state correctional facilities to be powered by solar.

Lower Fuel Costs Help Maintain Buying Power of Fuel Assistance Benefits for Vermont Households

AHS Secretary Hal Cohen and DCF Commissioner Ken Schatz announced today that Vermont has been awarded approximately $18.4 million in federal funds for this year's Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) also known as Seasonal Fuel Assistance. These funds will help about 24,700 low-income Vermont households to heat their homes this winter by paying a portion of their home heating bills.

Vermont Land Trust Will Purchase Bluffside Farm

Based on a show of interest and support from the residents of the City of Newport at a public meeting on September 14, 2015, VLT has negotiated a Purchase and Sales contract for the 129-acre property ahead of the scheduled October 23 foreclosure auction

Effort to Protect 600 Acres a Success

A large tract of forestland in the towns of Reading and Bridgewater was permanently conserved by the Meccawe Club, the Vermont Land Trust announced today. The Meccawe Club is a 100-year-old private trout fishing club. Over the years it had acquired lands to protect Meccawe Pond and provide for the club’s future


Gov. Peter Shumlin has joined eight Governors from across the country in sending a letter to Congressional leadership urging an end to current trade sanctions imposed against Cuba by the United States. Ending those restrictions could open up an 11 million person market for many Vermont industries, including dairy, renewable energy, consumer and manufactured goods, technology, tourism and others

Deadline for Watershed Grant Applications is November 20

The 2016 Vermont Watershed Grants Program is now accepting applications for funding projects that help Vermonters protect, restore and enjoy the state's watersheds. The applications are due no later than Friday, November 20, 2015


Gov. Peter Shumlin issued the following statement after the Public Service Department successfully negotiated an agreement with Vermont Gas to limit the cost to ratepayers for the Addison County Natural Gas Pipeline Project to $20 million less than the company's cost estimate for the project.

Governor Shumlin Announces Staffing Change

Governor Peter Shumlin has announced the appointment of Josh Hanford as Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). "For many years, Josh has been providing critical support to Vermont communities, helping them build affordable housing and developing vibrant local economies. I'm pleased he is joining the team," said Shumlin.

Vermont Receives Record Funding for State Energy Efficiency Efforts

Deb Markowitz, Secretary of Vermont's Agency of Natural Resources, has announced the result of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiatives' (RGGI) 29th auction of CO2 allowances. Vermont uses the proceeds from RGGI auctions to support Vermont's energy efficiency programs. Markowitz said, "I am pleased to report that the latest RGGI auction is the most successful to date, with $1,156,675 coming to Vermont from the sale of 192,139 allowances."

Renewable Energy 2015 Conference and Expo

Renewable Energy 2015 (RE 2015) is Vermont’s annual convention bringing together key players in the renewables sector. This year's conference, slated for October 8 & 9, highlights current energy challenges, Vermont’s leadership role in the energy industry, and the steps needed to implement an integrated energy infrastructure.

Homeowners & Communities Encouraged to Maintain Septic Systems

Over 50 of Vermont households depend on septic or other types of onsite systems to treat their wastewater. In addition, many businesses and park facilities use these types of systems. Failure to maintain a septic system can lead to backups and surfacing of sewage which can result in costly repairs.

Mayor Weinberger and President Sullivan Announce UVM-City Solar Partnership, Release RFP

Mayor Miro Weinberger and University of Vermont (UVM) President Tom Sullivan today announced a partnership between UVM and the City of Burlington to develop solar energy projects on UVM campus properties to capitalize on opportunities to make Burlington an even greener community. UVM and the City released a request for proposals (RFP) from solar generation providers that encourages a wide variety of projects, including roof-top installations and solar canopies over parking areas.

Op-Ed: Your Vote is Your Voice — Register!

September is National Voter Registration Month. A national, non-partisan campaign by non-profit and voter advocacy organizations will also celebrate September 22, 2015, as National Voter Registration Day.


Standing at the intersection of State Drive and Main Street, Gov. Peter Shumlin today congratulated the community of Waterbury on the opening of South Main Apartments and beginning construction of the Hunger Mountain Children’s Center. At the conclusion of the event, he handed keys to a family moving into one of the new affordable homes. The projects each were supported by $1 million grants of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery funds from the Agency of Commerce and Community Development

Vermont Awarded $330,000 to Protect Habitat of Endangered Bulrush

Vermont Fish & Wildlife has received a $330,000 grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to purchase 459 acres of property that serves as habitat for the federally endangered Northeastern bulrush. The land to be purchased extends the Turner Hill Wildlife Management Area (WMA), which represents one of only four publically owned locations of the bulrush in the state.



MONTPELIER, VT - April 28, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — The recession hasn’t made finding affordable housing for average Vermonters any easier, according to a new report released today.


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