BURLINGTON, VT – October 1, 2009 – (RealEstateRama) — Vermont Housing Finance Agency is pleased to announce its top mortgage loan originators for fiscal year 2009: Michelle Shambo, Chittenden Bank, Middlebury, Addison County; Debbie Corey, Chittenden Bank, Bennington, Bennington County; Susan Laferriere, Union Bank, St. Johnsbury, Caledonia, Essex and Orleans counties; Kelly DeForge, Universal Mortgage Corp., Colchester, Chittenden and Grand Isle counties; Judy Smith, Peoples Trust Co., St. Albans, Franklin County; Bill Bourne, Mortgage Financial, Morrisville, Lamoille County; Don Waterman, Wells River Savings Bank/Northeast Home Loan, Barton, Orange County; Laurie Laliberte, Chittenden Bank, Rutland, Rutland County; Maryellen LaPerle, Northfield Savings Bank, Montpelier, Washington County; Cathy Eakins, Chittenden Bank, Brattleboro, Windham County; and Barbara Yankee, Chittenden Bank, Brattleboro, Windsor County.
“We rely on loan originators at VHFA participating lenders to act as our mortgage sales force,” explained VHFA Executive Director Sarah Carpenter. “We’re pleased to have originators like these on our team.”
VHFA has many participating lending institutions around the state that help homebuyers qualify for VHFA mortgage loans. VHFA has several home mortgage loan programs, all of which have income and purchase-price limits. A list of participating lenders and information about VHFA’s programs and interest rates can be found on the Agency’s Web site: www.vhfa.org.
VHFA was created by the Vermont Legislature in 1974 to finance and promote affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income Vermonters. Since its inception, the Agency has helped approximately 26,500 Vermont households with affordable mortgages and financed the development of 7,700 affordable rental units.
Craig Bailey
(802) 652-3463
cbailey (at) vhfa (dot) org