Norwich University School of Architecture + Art to host “Re-Building for Flood Resiliency: A Design Charette”


NORTHFIELD, Vt. – November 6, 2013 – (RealEstateRama) — Norwich University will host a design charette on Thursday, Nov. 7 and Friday, Nov. 8, in the Chaplin Hall Gallery in which speakers will present on designing for flood resiliency, and a team of architects, planners, preservationists, ecological managers and green building and energy-efficiency experts will join Norwich students in brainstorming best practices for designing and building flood-resilient structures.

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On Nov. 7, from 6:30-9 p.m. in Chaplin Hall Gallery, “Re-Building for Flood Resiliency: A Design Charette,” offers presentations from architects, state agencies’ representatives, planners and ecologists, giving background on the issues. This event is free and open to the public. Speaker bios can be found here.

On Nov. 8, from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. cross-disciplinary participants, including Norwich University students, will work together to develop reconstruction solutions for design and construction in flood-prone areas.

Friday’s charette costs $30 and includes lunch. Registration for one or both days can be completed here.

“We were all shocked by the damage after Tropical Storm Irene two years ago and Hurricane Sandy more recently,” said Aron Temkin, dean of the College of Professional Schools. “Norwich students have been asking how they can apply their skills to the issues of flood resilience. This charette will provide an opportunity for the Norwich community to further dialogue these issues alongside area professionals as we try to identify and develop best practices for design and construction in low-lying areas.”

Contact: Daphne Larkin 802-485-2886 or 595-3613(m)
Follow us on Twitter @NorwichNews dlarkin (at) norwich (dot) edu


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