Gov. Shumlin and Secretary Miller Announce Grants to Replace Municipal Buildings Destroyed by Irene


WASHINGTON, D.C. – May 14, 2013 – (RealEstateRama) — Gov. Peter Shumlin today announced $1.8 million in grants from the Agency of Commerce and Community Development to help three communities replace municipal buildings damaged by flood waters. The funding comes from $21.6 million in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery funds ACCD received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to help the state recover from Tropical Storm Irene and the spring floods of 2011.

“My administration is as committed as ever to helping communities recover,” said Gov. Shumlin. “We are working on a daily basis with Waterbury on the redevelopment of the State Office Complex and are pleased to announce this $1 million grant for new municipal offices on the site. As is happening all over the state, these offices will be rebuilt stronger and safer while remaining in the heart of the community.”

In a joint statement, Sen. Patrick Leahy, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Congressman Peter Welch said, “We fought hard for these funds because the CDBG program helps fill gaps in other recovery efforts. The program’s flexibility helps craft community-made solutions like these that will help us rebuild, and with greater resiliency. We are pleased to see this early round of grants support new public buildings in these three towns where they are sorely needed after Irene.”

The Town of Waterbury will use the grant and other funds to construct a new municipal complex that will also house the police department, historical society and library. ACCD will also grant $750,000 grant to the Town of Waitsfield, which will build new town offices to replace those that have been repeatedly flooded, and $68,182 to the Town of Wilmington to study six potential sites for the relocation of its police and fire departments.

“Progress on the road to recovery continues,” said Lawrence Miller, Secretary of Commerce and Community Development. “The communities of Waterbury, Waitsfield and Wilmington were among the hardest hit by Irene. They are rebounding and looking to their future. We are pleased to be helping them relocate and improve municipal buildings and the essential services they house.”

The $21.6 million in CDBG disaster recovery funding was the result of a provision championed by Sen. Leahy, Sen. Sanders and Rep. Welch in the federal budget bill. The congressional delegation was also instrumental in securing an additional $17.9 million of CDGB Disaster Recovery funds for housing, economic recovery and municipal infrastructure projects that will also be administered by ACCD.


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